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Almost 1 billion people are struggling with hunger every day. Most of them are children. How can you help in the fight against hunger? FOODOM is an attempt to help a few of them survive.
Swaziland Africa has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence in the world with some reports indicating that over 42% of the population is HIV-positive. HIV related deaths have caused over 120,000 orphans in a tiny country the size of New Jersey. The number of children needing care has exceeded the number of care-givers creating a phenomenon of child-headed households that are particularly alarming with heads of households as young as 12 years old. These children face daily struggles pertaining to nutrition/hunger, education, safety and vocational training. Give Hope, Fight Poverty addresses these needs through their programming. One such program is FOODOM, headed by Mitali Saxena, that addresses the nutritional needs of over 1,300 children in rural Swaziland.
The community is very rural but the headmaster of the school is very proactive and has built the school from the ground up. In addition to offering all of the basic courses like Math, Science, English, etc they also offer education on woodworking, agriculture, art, computer/technology, and farm animal breeding/research. These students walk very far to the school on an empty stomach. Most families can only provide one meal in a few days.
Our program attempts to provide one nutritional meal a day to each child coming to this school.
Swaziland Africa has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence in the world with some reports indicating that over 42% of the population is HIV-positive. HIV related deaths have caused over 120,000 orphans in a tiny country the size of New Jersey. The number of children needing care has exceeded the number of care-givers creating a phenomenon of child-headed households that are particularly alarming with heads of households as young as 12 years old. These children face daily struggles pertaining to nutrition/hunger, education, safety and vocational training. Give Hope, Fight Poverty addresses these needs through their programming. One such program is FOODOM, headed by Mitali Saxena, that addresses the nutritional needs of over 1,300 children in rural Swaziland.
The community is very rural but the headmaster of the school is very proactive and has built the school from the ground up. In addition to offering all of the basic courses like Math, Science, English, etc they also offer education on woodworking, agriculture, art, computer/technology, and farm animal breeding/research. These students walk very far to the school on an empty stomach. Most families can only provide one meal in a few days.
Our program attempts to provide one nutritional meal a day to each child coming to this school.